Girlguiding has a number of awards which may be presented to its members and recognised volunteers in recognition of any one of the following:
- meritorious conduct
- outstanding and excellent service
- long service.
Thanks badge
The Thanks badge (either a brooch or a lapel pin) is given to either a member or non-member of Girlguiding as a sign of appreciation for their support.
Any member of Girlguiding may present a Thanks Badge after discussion with a Leader or Commissioner. A Thanks Badge may only be given to a member of the Trefoil Guild if they have given service specifically to Girlguiding.
Good Service brooch
The Good Service brooch may be given to an adult, who is a member of Girlguiding or a Branch Association, for excellent service to guiding, by:
- the Chief Guide, for service to Girlguiding or a Branch Association
- a Chief Commissioner, for service in a Country/Region (including BGIFC)
- a County Commissioner, for service in the County
To be eligible for a Good Service brooch the nominee must either:
- hold a current member and recognised volunteer card, or
- have completed a role no more than six months before the application is made.
Long Service awards
Any adult member who volunteers regularly, irrespective of role, gender or age, is eligible for a Long Service Award. Service will be counted from the date the individual becomes a member, aged 16 or over, and actively carries out a role for 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 years (not necessarily consecutively). A Recognised Volunteer Certificate can be presented to individuals who volunteer regularly in guiding but have chosen not to be a full adult member.
The Guiding Star Award
This award may be given to any member of Girlguiding (up to their 26th birthday) who has displayed exceptional courage or who has shown great initiative or responsibility at an incident.
The Laurel Award
The Laurel Award is a Girlguiding award given in recognition of outstanding service to guiding. This award may be given to an active adult member of Girlguiding or one of the Branch Associations.
National Honours
National Honours (including CBE, OBE and MBE) are awarded in recognition of exceptional merit and service to the nation. Nominations for National Honours can be made for, or include, outstanding services to guiding.
More information can be found on the following website – The website also includes supporting information, such as advice on writing citations for nominations.
Girlguiding GLK County – Locals Awards to Recognise Volunteers
In addition to Girlguiding Awards outlined above, the following awards are available to Leaders within the County. It is hoped that all members will consider these where appropriate for their fellow members.
An Awards Committee has been set up to consider any applications which are made. The Committee will meet to consider these twice yearly (October and April) in conjunction with the Region Committee should recommendation need to be made to them for the LaSER Chief Commissioners Award or a Girlguiding national award.
Please discuss any possible recommendations with your Commissioner before a decision is made. Below is a list of the Awards which are available within the County.
Thanks Certificate
Could be presented as a thank you when a Leader has performed a duty above their normal role. This should be presented immediately following the event by the local Commissioner following consultation with the recommending Leader. It is not expected that the Leader will receive more than one certificate. It could be that at a later event the Girlguiding Thanks Badge would be appropriate. Nominations for Thanks Certificates do not need to come through the Awards Committee
Dedicated Service Certificate
Application should be made to the Awards Committee with at least two letters of recommendation. Could be presented to someone who has given dedicated service over a period of time, perhaps holding more than one role.
County Brooch
Could be awarded by the Committee to someone who has taken on several roles and gone beyond what was expected of them. The Committee may consider the application should be referred for a higher Award but this will be their decision. Application to be made with at least three letters of recommendation.
It must be stressed that nominations for any Award should be confidential and should NOT be discussed with the nominee.
To nominate someone for a GLK County award, please click here for all the information >> GLK Awards Application form